What is Disability Pride Month?
On this day in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. Now, the month of July marks Disability Pride Month – a time to have positive conversations about disability and to celebrate the achievements of this community.
How are libraries getting involved?
The Davis Branch Library of Yolo County Library, CA, hosted a Disability Pride Storytime at a local park with the goal of teaching “kids the struggles faced by people with disabilities through short picture book stories.”
Meanwhile, the New York Public Library is placing a “spotlight” on accessible resources such as its Braille and Talking Book Library. The library is also offering book recommendations, training for accessible technology, braille study groups, and a month of free events.
Libraries supporting people with disabilities
Altogether, libraries can help to empower this community through the provision of accessible buildings and resources for all.
For example, in May, the Indianapolis Public Library announced that it would install accessible workstations for people with disabilities. The upgraded workstations which are being rolled out at the library’s 24 locations include a “height-adjustable desk, large-key keyboard, large-print keyboard, trackball mouse with programmable buttons and arm supports.”
Furthermore, libraries can raise awareness of the history and experiences of people with disabilities in the books they provide. By using a tool like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Analysis from collectionHQ, libraries can monitor the supply of material within diverse topics (such as ‘Disabilities and Neurodiversity’) and identify areas that are underrepresented.
Brent Libraries in London is using collectionHQ’s DEI Analysis to better understand how well their collection reflects the library’s community. Allan Costello, Library Stock Development Manager, commented: “We’re spending public money and we have to be spending it in a fair and transparent way.”
Share your story!
Do you have a story to share about how your library has marked Disability Pride Month? Tweet us @collectionHQ and we will share your experience with our global community of libraries!
Blog Sources:
Daily Democrat, July 15, 2023, ‘Davis Branch Library holds Disability Pride Storytime at Pioneer Park’
New York Public Library Website ‘Disability Pride Month at NYPL’
WRTV, May 10 2023, ‘Indianapolis Public Library to install accessible workstations for people with disabilities’