cHQlite offers libraries a selection of evidence-based tools from collectionHQ’s MANAGE and EVALUTE modules.
This powerful new service applies the basics of library data analytics to enhance collection management processes. With cHQlite action plans, librarians can more efficiently maintain stock levels and weed underperforming materials.
cHQlite also helps libraries to take steps towards improving the inclusivity of their collection by offering a sample of collectionHQ’s award-winning Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Analysis tool.
Join cHQlite and you will have access to:
- A selection of collection management tools from collectionHQ
- Key elements of collectionHQ’s award-winning DEI tool
Based on the proven Evidence Based Stock Management (EBSM) methodology, cHQlite delivers easy-to-use action plans to support efficient, cost-effective collection management.
Maintain – identify and replace missing and long overdue material from your catalog so that patrons can access the books they need when they need them.
Remove – weeding Dead or Grubby materials from your collection can be time consuming and requires a regular commitment for maximum effectiveness. The easy-to-use action plans from cHQlite can help you manage your collection more efficiently.
Renew – materials and reading trends change, what may be relevant or interesting to your patrons when you first purchased it may now be out of date. cHQlite can help to identify which materials are due to be refreshed.
cHQlite offers tools from collectionHQ’s award-winning Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Analysis. Use the DEI tools to identify gaps in your collection and ensure that the diversity of your patrons is being fairly represented.
- Analyze your library’s Fiction and Non-Fiction collections against industry accepted DEI Topics.
- Effectively communicate diversity, equity, and inclusion in your collection to stakeholders in your community.
- Segment your action plan by category, giving you a more in-depth analysis of your collection.