
Wyndham City Library Service, VIC

Wyndham City Library Service runs 4 branch libraries and serves a population of over 150,000. Maintaining the collection at a high standard efficiently across the system was a challenge using Library Management System (LMS/ILS) reporting alone and so the library subscribed to collectionHQ in March 2012 to provide analysis of the collection and to provide action plans to drive continued performance improvements.

Worthington Libraries, OH

Worthington Libraries is a 3 branch library system serving a population of over 60,000. Maintaining a high standard of collection to meet the needs of patrons has always been a priority for staff and the library started subscribing to collectionHQ in 2012 to support this objective.

City of Westminster Library Service, U.K.

City of Westminster Library Service has long understood the importance of making best use of technology to drive service improvement and efficiencies. It adopted the collectionHQ software solution to improve the performance of its stock, and to help achieve significant time and financial savings around the whole area of stock management, with the ultimate goal of improving the service offered to customers.

Surrey County Council Library Service, U.K.

Surrey County Council Library service is made up of 52 branches and serves a population of over 1,000,000. To streamline collection management activities and make evidence-based purchasing decisions, collectionHQ was introduced in 2011 and today the library continues to seek new ways of using the solution to improve their collections.

Scottsdale Public Library, AZ

The Scottsdale Public Library is a medium-sized library system in the Phoenix area. It has a fully floating collection of about 525,000 items that serve a wide variety of customers, from the wealthy to retirees to people of middle and lower-income levels. After a period of budget cuts and staff reductions, the library’s director heard about collectionHQ at an industry conference and was interested in how it could help manage the collection and assist with budgeting decisions.