Cookie Policy
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that are stored on your PC or mobile device when you visit the Bridgeall Libraries Ltd website and applications.
How we use cookies
We use cookies:
For Navigation and Performance:
Bridgeall Libraries Ltd uses cookies to ensure that you can view all pages on our website and applications correctly.
To Gather Metrics:
We use cookies to track visits to our website and applications to help us to improve content and usability.
To Help Understand and Improve Email Content:
Sometimes emails from collectionHQ will generate statistics to enable us to find out what communications our contacts engage with most. This information is used to help us provide content that is valuable and of interest to our contacts.
Cookies are not used by Bridgeall Libraries Ltd for advertising purposes.
A message displayed on our website notifies all visitors that Bridgeall Libraries Ltd uses cookies. Cookies are essential for you to access all pages of our website and application, therefore we don’t ask you to opt-out of cookies. Instead, we regard your continued use of the website and application as consent to the use of cookies.
Disabling cookies
You may disable or manage cookies from your internet browser, although this will restrict access to parts of our website and our applications such as collectionHQ.